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Job Details


Events and Filming Officer


As City Promotions, Events and Filming Officer, you can make your own powerful contribution to extraordinary stories told in and about our iconic city. Westminster is one of the UK's busiest and most recognisable locations for event and filming activity. Our busy City Promotions, Events and Filming team coordinates and facilitates all the third party organised events, filming and promotional activity in Westminster. Joining this close-knit, dynamic and diverse team, you'll never have a dull moment.

We support a hugely diverse portfolio of activities - from community events through to high profile, nationally significant moments such as the King's recent Coronation. We also support major sporting events and large-scale events of cultural importance - from the Chinese and Lunar New Year celebrations, through to Pride in London. What's more, we're the busiest UK borough for on-street filming. This spans fashion shoots, TV commercials and music videos, as well as major TV dramas and feature films. Every day is different.

Your work will be a mixture of reviewing and processing proposals and applications for events and filming. With a major focus on events, you'll work on a range of projects with competing deadlines at any given time. Some filming or event activity is happening somewhere in Westminster almost every day of the year, so you can expect to work some weekends and evenings to deliver on your assigned portfolio.

Engaging with people is the key to our work, so you'll enjoy the chance to work closely with a wide range of stakeholders, communities and residents. Leading event and filming organisers through the planning process, you'll collaborate with colleagues in a range of Council services - from Parking and Highways, to Licensing and Environmental Health, through to Parks, Planning and Communications. You'll make sure relevant permissions, licences and approvals are obtained, and you'll ensure that activities are planned to be delivered safely, with minimal disruption to the community.

Date Approved


Deadline For Applications


Job Title

Events and Filming Officer



Remote Working Options

Fully Office/Studio Based



Contract Type






Minimum Experience

3+ Credits

Preferred Genre Experience

Not Specified

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