
Latest VFX Jobs

ProductionBase is the UK's network for people looking to work in VFX. Whether you're a Technical Director, Animator, CG Supervisor, Roto Artist, Matchmover, VFX Producer, Motion Graphics Designer, Compositor or Modeler, new jobs in Visual Effects are posted daily, in London and across the UK. We cover all grades of production, and many of the VFX jobs available are listed exclusively on ProductionBase. All the latest VFX jobs with leading production companies, post houses and studios are shown below.

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Date Approved

Feature Animation Supervisor

London hybrid HYBRID

Posted: 15/10/2024

VFX Animation Supervisor

London / Hybrid HYBRID

Posted: 15/10/2024

Head of Creature FX

London hybrid HYBRID

Posted: 15/10/2024

Senior Compositor (Expression of Interest)

London hybrid HYBRID

Posted: 15/10/2024

XR Technician


Posted: 10/10/2024

Senior Producer


Posted: 03/10/2024

VFX Production Coordinator


Posted: 24/09/2024

Line Producer


Posted: 24/09/2024

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